What To Expect When You’re Expecting


Your body goes through a miraculous transformation during pregnancy. Some women glow with health while others experience less than fabulous days. Here are some of the changes you may expect during pregnancy and helpful tips on how to manage them. Ready, steady, baby!

Although it is called as “morning sickness”, nausea can happen at any time of the day. Caused by changes in hormones during pregnancy, it usually goes away by the end of the third month into pregnancy.
What Can You Do?
- Eat plain food and avoid foods that have strong odour or taste.
- Limit fatty, spicy and fried foods.
- Take more vitamin B6 as studies suggested it greatly improves nausea.
- If nausea comes with vomiting, ensure your body is hydrated. Avoid large drinks and have frequent small drinks between meals.

As your baby grows bigger, it presses on your stomach, causing heartburn. It is a feeling around the top of your chest (behind your breastbone). Changes in hormone levels could also cause heartburn, leading to slower digestion process.
What Can You Do?
- Have frequent small meals and eat slowly.
- Avoid lying down shortly after eating as this will slow down digestion process and increase chances of heartburn.
- Eat more liquid-form foods. Liquid moves through the stomach faster than solid food thus lowering the risk of heartburn.

You may feel tired easily as your body works overtime to provide a conducive environment for your baby to grow. The growing baby also adds an extra weight that you’re carrying.
What Can You Do?
- Take a nap during the day and go to bed early.
- Reduce sweet food and carbohydrates that are high in glycemic index such as white rice, white bread and noodles.
- Consume enough B vitamins, the key nutrients for energy production.
- Eat adequate protein for sustainable energy throughout the day.

Due to hormonal changes, you may experience slower digestion which resulted in constipation. Increased pressure from the pregnancy on the rectum and intestines can also interfere with digestion thus slowing down bowel movements.
What Can You Do?
- Move regularly to keep your muscles toned – take a walk, swim, practice pilates or yoga.
- Eat foods that are high in fibre such as wholemeal breads, wholegrain cereals, fruits and vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water (at least 6-8 glasses a day) and avoid coffee, tea and carbonated drinks that may cause dehydration that worsen constipation.